It's fenced?
If you've ever read my blog before you'd be painfully aware of my love for motorcycles and adventure. Above is a cheapo bike I rebuilt recently for fun in the neighborhood. Living in the shadow of The Ngong hills (think -- Out of Africa/ Karen Blixen - I once had a farm in the Ngong hills) and living next to a National Park, it's the perfect neighborhood for a motorcycle!!
Theoretically the animals are fenced in and the people out. Nonsense - that was clear a couple weeks ago as I came across Zebra Giraffes and Buffalo while out exploring on a dirt road. It's impossible to to keep them separated as you can see by the Lion in the video below helping herself to a 45kg Rottweiler.
I left the park before I met up with that Lion - seemed a good idea...
Lion in the Hood
And speaking of Motorcycles and adventure, I recently headed north on the weekend and circled Mount Kenya heading for the fabled Chalbi Desert of Kenya. First it was hot. I mean really really hot. Great for camels - no so good for me or the bike. So hot was it -- that the exhaust pipes on the motorcycle changed color and stayed that way. Second it was sandy - not entirely unexpected in the desert however given a good dose of common sense instilled my my mama - I aborted the mission after the first half kilometer of floundering slipping sliding and sweating.
Lord Baden Powell
I did continue exploring regardless now searching for the Grave Site of the famous Lord Baden Powell. I had earlier discovered that he had loved Kenya so much that he wanted to be buried here. Like many young people LBP had a big impact on my life. I remember being proud in Cubs to get my sewing badge. Huh!! How on earth did I see that as a worthy and commendable achievement for a 9 year old boy? That said - I can still sew. 😉 I learned to DYB (Do Your Best) and DOB (Do Our Best) and also learned about hanging with friends and having fun. We went on a big camping trip once where there were hundreds of other cubs all dressed in those goofy outfits and passionate about reef knots and badge collections. That was super cool.
In a little town called Nyeri I found the site that was surprisingly small with just a few other long term "guests". Rather - it was a plot of land surrounded by businesses and residences that had grown up over the years since his passing in 1941. I parted with a bit of cash to get the gates open and pay my respects with the "gate keepers" no doubt curious about this white guy sitting stoically by the grave starring at the symbol on the grave stone all CubScounts came to know ..... going home.
I guess I can legitimately be considered a veteran Triathlete having completed more than 20 in my life - so far. Therefore it was hardly surprising that I was the only competitor in my age group. 😀 All I gotta do is finish this one and I finally have something to show for all my thriathaleting efforts. Yup - I was first in the ultra competitive 60 - 65 category.
Hanging out with all those fit people who so enthusiastically flung themselves into the Indian Ocean, I was a bit proud. My commitment to fitness over some 25 years had led to this moment. A tattoo was in order to mark the event with a certain permanence I believed to be the case.
Will this hurt I asked my new friend Eric the amazing Tattoo Artist. Like a Mother fucker he casually replied. How long? Oh about an hour and a half. I'm such a Dumbass!!
Despite a significant disability where her hind legs don't work very well - she continues to inspire me with her pure joy at the smallest things in life.
Sun is out - her tail wags
Smile at her - her tail wags
A fresh avocado has fallen - her tail wags
She joined for the Triathlon and watching her run joyfully along the beach filled my heart with joy. Her days are numbered buy her spirit will endure continuing to inspire all who are fortunate enough to know or meet her.
Cleo so speedy she leaves a vapor trail like a Jet!!!
The kids at Majengo Slum are back in school on the 6th of Jan and I'd like to bring a load of food in on the 4th of January. Thank you to Els Shilton and Fergus for their very generous and thoughtful donations!!!
you would like to donate to help me feed hungry kids - you can email me
to chat about it -- or do so by sending a few shekels through:
MPESA -- +254745237248 (Kenya)
Or interact -- (Canada)
Or PayPal -- (Global)
50 bucks would really help!!
Thanks for reading ..... clearly enjoying cycling -- Layno!!
Wooow beautiful Mr Chairman it was nice visiting the Our Scouts and Girl guide leaderships in Nyeri it was an amazing experience. Weldone. 🤗🙏❤
ReplyDeleteMy Brother, I always look forward to your blog posts! 🙌 Your adventures light a fire under couch potatoes like me to get up and explore this scenic country 🌄🚴♂️🏞️. That M-dot tattoo? Absolute legend vibes! 💪🔥
ReplyDeleteYou seem like a guy who'd say...what gives me purpose? It's the everyday day experiences, 'pain' and conquering Mr. Layne 😃💯
ReplyDeleteMy friend 😎