Saturday, September 4, 2021

Mount Meru and other maniacal hiking adventures


 Mounting Mount Meru


Bold and beautiful, Mount Meru juts up magnificently from just behind Arusha Tz

Kilimanjaro from Meru at sunrise - worth a look.
Those who have summited Africa's 6th highest peak in Tanzania say that the sun rising behind Kilimanjaro -- a scant 70 kms to the east -- is one of the world's greatest natural sights. I'd like to see if that is true or not so along with my intrepid hiking partner Andy - we'll try to summit this beautiful chunk of rock in a couple weeks time.

At just under 15,000 ft (4565 m) it's no joke and will take a bit of training and convincing to get this rapidly aging overly enthusiastic amateur climber up to the top. Wish me well!!

And speaking of amateur hikers, I have been dong a bit of training and last weekend set out on a 10k training hike in a nearby forest. Max and I left the truck in a parking lot and set out for a couple hours of hiking in the mid morning sun. What could go wrong?

Water? Naw!!! - while a fairly warm day - it' only 10kms. 

Phone? Naw!!!  it's only a 10k hike. 

Jacket? Naw!!! - it' only a 10k hike.

And when the trail marker indicated a choice to go 15kms rather than 10km .... why not? What could go wrong.



After 5 hours of effectively going in circles and seeing no one, much to my relief I finally saw 2 people laying down ahead of me. In a slightly delirious state I wandered up excitedly to ask directions. My relief changed to surprise as I realized just what this couple were doing alone in the forest ...far from anyone and anywhere. In that moment when our eyes connected - it was clear to me that despite my circumstances - there would be no "probing" questions regarding my current whereabouts. 

Onward Max and I hiked hoping this nightmare would end. Knowing there were Hyenas and bandits in the area made the circumstances a bit grave and an overnight stay a fairly undesirable prospect. To top it off I was beginning to hallucinate a bit due to fatigue and lack of water. Suddenly a large cow came charging down the trail directly at me - I wasn't entirely sure if this was really happening or a figment of my imagination.

You see this cow was stealthy. He didn't make a sound as he charged at us. We both took refuge behind a tree and as he charged by -- was glad to see the back rather than front end of that damned cow. Or so I thought.

As we walked on, I was reminded of a scene from the movie The Pink Panther where Kato, the karate expert would suddenly and without warning attack Chief Inspector Clouseau. I believe this cow to be the reincarnation of Kato as again and again it came out of friggin' no where and charged directly at us.

It was with considerable relief that we were able to get to the parking lot with that fucking cow still sneaking up and scaring the bejeezus out of me. I briefly fantasized about running it over with the truck and having a nice steak dinner but was pretty thirsty by that point. Best to drive home and leave that mad cow to terrorize the next hiker who carelessly wandered off the clearly marked trail while on an easy 10km hike.


 Lions and Wildebeests for days.....





Essie and I took a day to check in on the migration and while enjoying the scene of thousands of Wildebeest on the move - stumbled across a pride of 11 lions perfectly happy lying in the morning sun. It's likely their bellies were full of Wildebeest as you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting one. ... so to speak.

 The big male pictured beside was a great surprise when he stood and sauntered past. Wow!!! Magnificent. We stayed for a long time only meters away enjoying the sense of communion and while conscious of the fact that we were interrupters, it was impossible to leave. It was so peaceful. The only thing that would have made it better -- is if that damned cow had wandered along. 😉

 Note the open Land Cruiser in the foreground. That was not us as we had sensibly used my Land Cruiser that has doors. I think it's only a matter of time before there is a terrible bloody incident that severely curtails the freedom that people can enjoy inside the park.

Below is a video of Wildebeest crossing the road just in front of the truck as we sat mesmerized by the spectacle. Impossible for the camera to capture -- is the sheer number of animals in the valley. It was just impossible to count. Maybe 10,000 or 100,000...who knows - but I do know that I had this overwhelming sense that it's not too late for Mother Earth and all her creatures, we haven't fucked it up completely.

And a bit of time on the coast

Even many kilometers before reaching the shores of the Indian ocean, everything changes. Smells, humidity, sites and sounds all conspire to gently tug you from your day to day existence to this magical place. Essie Max and I enjoyed a week of playing in the sun and swimming while contemplating existentialist conundrums and such. Max less so - but he definitely enjoyed eating coconuts and chasing sand crabs.

Jake, Majengo and Kibera


I would like to again thank both Barry and DJ for their amazing generosity. I received their donations that will go a long way to helping to positively impact kids lives. Jake is doing well in school - and next week we'll deliver food to both the slums (Kibera & Majengo). 


I've arranged for an escort next week so intend to do a video of Majengo to share. I think next week I'll also but some lolly pops for the kids, Why not - I don't have to deal with the sugar buzz 😊






If you would like to donate to  The Majengo Kids - The Kibera Kids - or Jake's Education:

E-interact -- or Paypal --



Thanks for reading ...Layno out scouting tea fields with old yella.


  1. Oh what a wonderful adventure for you Layne! Wish I was younger to do this adventure! Have a wonderful time and enjoy your trip to the mountain! And as my Dad would say "Don't take any wooden nickels" Good luck! Love you!

  2. Another great blog Layne! Loved the cow story, you truly have 9 nines or more!

  3. Haha laughed out loud with the “easy 10k hike with Kato Cow”!!
