Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentines - a day of Love - though not for the PoPo

 New digs!!! Welcome to the Tree-house




The house that sat nestled amongst the Angel trumpets and Avocado trees always smelling so sweetly is no longer where I hang my hat. Sadly - nearly tragically in my mind, I had to say goodbye to that wonderful home and instead of drifting from one oversized room to the next enjoying the mile high ceilings and wide open patio doors, relegate those memories to memory.  It was a treat, a pleasure, a gift and a time for which I will ever be thankful. What a pleasant chapter that was ....

However!!! My new digs are on the same property and set high above that old house, seemingly suspended amongst the trees and acquainting me with a new green leafy world that in many ways eclipses the vibe of the old place. The view from the kitchen table is  fabulous in the morning as the coffee soothes my soul and the mist swirls among the banana trees below. 

Max, now just over 2 months old, surveys from his lofty perch and seems to approve of the new digs by marking his territory in each and every room. Thanks Max!!





On the second day in the treehouse, a troupe of about 25 Sykes' monkeys invaded and romped around the space. I'm a dumb-ass at times and had left all the windows and doors open almost as an invitation to the little buggers. Nothing was taken other than a my reading glasses, leading me to believe they were coming back to try and hack the safe.  Damned monkeys!

Fun with the Popo

In the video above, you see the Land Cruiser ahead of me heading for disaster. While the road looks ok in the video, you'll have to take my work for it when I say "it sucks". The intrepid adventurer in front of me gave up after 3 attempts leaving me to try my luck. And for me ... this is the way home so a successful run up the hill was completely necessary.

I made it up that muddy hill slipping and sliding - but that isn't even close to the most challenging part of the trip home. The most challenging part is running the Popo gauntlet that whimsically targets this one and that one for a good ole roadside shake down.

I have been lucky until this day, managing to avoid bribes  and not spend too much time parked on the roadside "negotiating". On this day though - not so lucky. I was arrested, charged and jailed for "overspeeding" and no amount of pleading would help my case. Jail was essentially a tool shed on the side of the road - but without payment - I would be forced to stay there until my trial in 2 days time. A fairly strong incentive to pay up particularly when coupled with the fact that the heat in the metal tool shed under the hot African sun was enough to cook a nice chicken dinner.

Eventually - I paid - and promised to appear in court a couple days hence though assuming correctly that the "receipt" was a bogus document and my "bribe" had been successfully taken (in cash of course).  I could now go about my business until next time I get "selected" so that the impartial dispensation of justice may be served. 😂😂😂 A textbook case of general and specific deterrent administered with such precision.

Update on Just Food Africa

Jake is loving his school and doing very well making friends and embarking on his journey of discovery. Meanwhile, at Malezi school, Grace and students celebrated their 7th year of teaching young folk in that cute little school. What a difference Grace and company have made. The readers of this blog who contribute funds, have been feeding all these kids and will be sending another load in next Saturday. Well done team JFA. 

Teacher Grace congratulates the students and supporters then cuts that awesome cake.

The boys get busy eating that awesome cake!!





Thanks for reading ...Layno on Longonot Summit.





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