Sunday, June 7, 2020

A gang of 22

200 families are a bit better off this week!!!

Last night -- Saturday June 6th -- most Kenyans sat optimistic and nervous awaiting Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta to either kick-start the economy or leave Kenyans feeling like they've been kicked in the ass again. This morning, Sunday June 7th - bums are sore and so is community spirit. The news that the lockdown will continue for another 30 days was not well received though impressively delivered with a clever mixture of fact, fiction and a bit of hocus pocus. It's not easy to steer a path through these unchartered waters and I believe the decision to remain vigilant is a good one in the face of a very uncertain future for Kenya. This disease is going to be hard on Africa in the coming months.

The continued lock down means food supply continues to be a major issue for folks throughout the country but mainly the poorest of the poor living in the unauthorized settlements.

Enter, with appropriate fanfare --  the Gang of 22 -- that being all of you who read my blog and kindly and with great generosity sent me money to buy some much apprecaited supplies. Also a big thank you to  Deedee & Parsa, Kath and Karl for their very generous additions to the kitty this week.


Good news - a local supplier, Marketways who I've worked with for years, (mostly in my MSF days) matched and even improved upon the wholesale prices I was receiving from other suppliers. As a result our dollars went a long way. Your dollars had a direct impact.... no admin ... no middle men .... just straight to the people who needed it. Wonderfull!!!!

Also a thank you to WE Charity, my employer, who are kind enough to let me do this "side hustle".

The truck loaded - I headed for Eastleigh and Majengo slum in particular. I knew there would be road blocks but I was surprised to have to contend with 5 of them before getting to Majengo. I hate roadblocks ... though I have to admit that once I explained our mission and parted with a few face masks - the grumpy police officer merrily waved me on my way.

"Nienda Wapi" (Where are you going?) said gruffly with menacing AK in hand.  "Oh" says I cheerfully and non-menacingly - "to Majengo to deliver donated food for the community". "How about a face mask and some hand sanitizer" he asks. A fair bribe to pay in my mind I think the Gang of 22 would let this slide.

Once at the drop point, we loaded the the Mkokotenis as a large and slightly menacing crowd gathered. Not surprisingly -- they wanted a bit for themselves. Hmm - I thought a couple times - this could get ugly - but Grace kept the tranfer civil barking at the assembled to mind their manners as only a school teacher can. 😏

Only a couple hours after the Mkokotenis rolled into the slum,  Grace had everything packaged and ready to serve a que of folks who really apprecaited this helping hand. They all maintained social distance and their cool as they gladly accepted the offerings. Great work again by Grace and volunteers doing the hard work and keeping it well organized.

I don't know that our efforts here have changed the course of history - but I'm sure there are many sleeping a little easier this month -because of our work,   Well done Gang of 22!

Thanks for reading.....Layno!!!