Holy Shit!!!!! Mom is coming to Africa!!!! Layno look busy!!!
Hailey's comet while being elusive and occasional is at the very least expected eventually. Not expected in my wildest dreams would be the arrival of my mother and great friend Kath in Africa. The crazy star alignment that resulted in this plan coming together is a collision of thoughtful planning and a quagmire of uncertain realities all of which somehow were overcome. More excited than a chocolate lab who hasn't seen a people in 3 days - I eagerly awaited their arrival....tail wagging in excited anticipation. And like my lab Poncho maybe even peed a little when they eventually strode down the ramp talking excitedly with anyone who would listen. That.. is my Mom ...and Kath. I truly couldn't be happier than I was that day as their smiling faces met mine. That said - it was World Cup ...so getting them to a pub and a beer in hand was the first order of business -- sentimentality aside. World cup is only once every 4 years.... Lets move it!!!!

Once situated in a local with the teams bravely engaging in the acts consistent with ":the beautiful game" I watched in fascination as they melded with their environment with chameleon-like ease. Sure the lighter hair and skin were a bit of a give away at first, but they really had no trouble fitting in.
And if you have never been to an African "local" it would be best described as the following;
A place with stuff that meets the basic minimum infrastructure to sell alcohol. A place to sit -- a place to pee -- and a place to place your drink.

So having survived the local it was time to test their travelling savvy and intercontinental social skills with the likes of Lucy. A bestie introduced earlier in my blog, she is a woman of infinite social ability and enough charm to lure a fruit bat from its cave on hottest African day. We agreed to dinner and a live musical at the Kenya National Theatre. Playing was Sarafina -- the story of a girl growing up in the mean streets of Soweto during Apartheid. It's as sad a story detailing a slice of the absolute depths of despicable human to human relations. It's one of a number of sad tales of human history we reluctantly leaned about in high school history. That is clearly touched my guests in that warm theatre on a cool Nairobi night is undeniable. Just when we thought dinner of fish sticks and chips would be the most emotionally challenging part of the evening, (all the rest of the food offered on the menu had been eaten I guess) we came up close and personal with African realities...in an African context. I think they'll agree that context is everything. Half way around the world watching a blurry CBC version of the events of the late 60's in South Africa is one thing. Sitting in a packed auditorium among African people, you can feel the resentment the anger and the outrage rising around you.....and you start to understand.....

Breakfast in Karen was in order for the following morning at the wonderful Purdy Arms restaurant. It's a favorite haunt for Chris and I where we have shared many breakfasts and laughs over the last couple of years. We we very fortunate that he brought his partner Ruth along to join us. Like Lucy, she is a very confident person full of interesting stories, perspective and commentary. It was a wonderful breakfast where we lingered long content with full bellies and that warm feeling that comes from sharing time with friends.

Kath is saying "That's cool but can you tell us more about Denys Finch Hatton - the lover????"

And while in Karen -- a visit to the Karen Blixen museum was an absolute must for this intrepid (slightly jet-lagged) team of travelers. Mom & Kath were perfect students filling in their surprising knowledge of the intricacies of her life and of course reliving the sexy romantic parts of Robert Redford and Meryl Streep from "out of Africa" ... it was just like that I'm sure. 😀 Handsome Denys is along side.... what a heartthrob!!!!
The girls and teacher/guide at Karen Blixen museum. |
Thanks for reading ..........Layno !!!
What a wonderful way to visit Kenya, with someone who obviously lives there. Have a great time Kath! the rest of you also, even though I don't know you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous writer you are! It's fun to see some of Kathleen's adventures through someone else's eyes...a friend of Kath's in Vancouver, and up the Sunchine Coast in BC - Joy
ReplyDeleteI (Kath's age) was in Kenya for a tenting safari about 10? years ago with my daughter and middle son. I do remember my two 'kids' (young adults) coming back to relate their experiences at a nightclub in Nairobi where they went with one of the guides from our safari on our last night before flying out. My son had a full beard at the time and was very tanned - my daughter? pale skin, very blonde hair and blue eyes...our guide took good care of them, but all three had a fabulous time. I was very impressed with the joyfulness and hospitality of the Kenyan people everywhere we went...it was a most memorable trip. (also from Joy in Vancouver)
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking such great care of Mom - she is having a blast with great thanks to you! (Kath's middle son)