It's only about 200 kms from Kathmandu to Pokhara but it can take a
very long time to get there. And you know it'll be a bumpy bus ride when only the front half of the bus seats are occupied.... because those in the rear will certainly hit their heads on the bus ceiling along the way. But 12 hours later there you are in the shadow of the mighty Annapurna range. Unfortunately, at this of year the peaks are shrouded equally in both clouds and mystery. I would be lucky to catch a peak of these 8000+ meter giants.

Even though clouds and more clouds were the expectation, I was undeterred and at 3am took my bright blue rented scooter and left the comfort of my bed to buzz up to a place in the mountains I had scouted previously. I thought it should be a pretty good view if the weather favored my bold maneuver. As night became day I was disappointed to see the main peaks shrouded in a view obscuring bank of thick white clouds. As they say though - fortune favors the brave - and as the sun rose, and not unlike a biblical prophecy, the clouds parted and the sun majestically lit the fishtail, Annapurna's 1 2 and 3 and the lesser peaks well into the distance. I stayed for about 3 hours watching the many valleys and crevices revealed as the light slowly moved across the most amazing mountain range the world has ever seen. It is truly one of the great sites of the world. Next - I intend to climb at least to ABC (Annapurna Base camp). Hopefully !!

Over the following days I explored a number of treks in the local hills and made use of the bright blue scooter exploring mountain passes and river valleys. Poor little scooter was a bit overwhelmed by a rider that does everything at full throttle. :)
On one particularly beautiful day I was fortunate to meet Vladka from The Czech Republic. Together we hiked to the World Peace Pagoda built by Japanese Buddhists. It's a beautiful monument to what often to me seems more like the world's faint hope for a lasting peace throughout. Vladka is as peaceful, warm, and beautiful a soul as I have ever met with a smile that melts even the coolest mountain breeze. A wonderful day with beauty and the beast... and yeah... shaved my head in Nepal. Ha!!! Why not? When in Rome...When in Nepal.....

As mentioned previously its a wonderful moment when you meet and connect with the people. I chatted with these girls at the base of the mountain about life in Nepal. They spoke English well and were friendly and open to chatting. The fellow on the left, however, spoke no English whatsoever and when I found him high on a mountain pass nursing a beer.... well I just had to join in. We gestured for some time together consuming an alarming number of beers until we were quite drunk and happy. See - beer can solve almost any cultural difference. A natural translator that almost ended me as I stumbled and giggled my way down the mountain late in the day. 😉 Geez
Thanks for reading...Layno!!!
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