Sunday, June 4, 2017

Diamonds are forever - if you can find a real one!!

The stunning and timeless beauty of European Architecture

Casual and spectacular the Louvre sits awaiting it's next opportunity to amaze

I  reluctantly pinch myself on most days to see if my life is a dream or reality. Fully awake and assured that my life of whimsical travel is in fact real - I give some thanks to a benevolent universe that has so fantastically conspired to provide me with this beautiful gift.  Nameste!

Sunday afternoon in Brussels Belgium - considered to have one of the best work life balances in the world

An hour to Paris on the High speed train
On my way back to Nairobi from Canada, I stopped in Brussels to do a bit of work with the Medecins Sans Frontiers Head Office team. The work included some activities in Brussels and then a workshop in Paris with the MSF folks there. The workshop ended at about 16:00 and after a couple beers with the team at a little outdoor cafe, I was free to explore the city until the late train to Brussels at 23:00. Headphones in place and a careful selection of classical music cued I wandered aimlessly through the streets and alleys taking in the stunning architecture and display windows, the people and the flavor of my favorite city. I really do love Paris and think it's the greatest city I've seen in my travels.

I returned to Brussels late but got up early Saturday for the first train to Antwerp, Belgium.  I have never been to the city before but a quick review of travel sites steered me in that direction.  I would strongly recommend a visit - only 30 minutes from Brussels, the city is packed with fabulous architecture and historical sites to discover. Again earphones in place; coffee in hand I wandered the city for most of the day taking in the coolest of the cool sites...

The day was dark and brooding as I wandered the sea port, churches, museums, the very significantly sized Red Light District (who knew?) and art galleries seemingly far too many to be at all profitable. I suspect it's mostly collectors who unselfishly display the beautiful and interesting works for all to see. We, the public are entirely grateful.

The Cathedral of our Lady church has ringing bells since before 1400 and is as iconic as it is a great locating device. 😁 You can spot the great and unmistakable spire from almost anywhere in the city leaving you free to wander fearlessly. While the designers were more interested in attracting the poor and huddled masses, the additional benefits is most sincerely appreciated. It's sheer size and gothic architecture is awe-inspiring as intended.

And almost as interesting to me is the public art at the foot of the great edifice shown just below. The whimsical and carefree idea that accompany such a contradictory and fun exhibit left me chuckling and intrigued. Just what good art should do.

Finding a Diamond in Antwerp or elsewhere

And if you are going to the diamond capital of the world, where reportedly 80% of the worlds diamonds transit, why not do some research and buy a couple?  Surely there are some good stones to be had at a reasonable price? Well!!! That depends on your knowledge and level of patience and ability to spot bull shit. 

Too good to be true is just that, with the hawkers disguising themselves cleverly with the trappings of respectability you have to be very careful. I visiting more than 20 shops freshening up my knowledge on the 5c's of diamonds. Cut - Clarity - Carat - Color - Confidence! I saw a lot of shitty stones being passed off as good and grew more confident as I again and again took up the eye piece and examined the stones.  The bullshit flying fast and furious, I finally found what I was looking for - a father and son operation off the main street and unadorned but clearly serious diamond trading shop and boasting over 75 years of operation. 

The visit was so much fun, from the security getting into the building; going into the vault room and then the Diamonds being brought from the safe for me to see.

In a show of customer service I have rarely seen before, a gold laden trio of West Africans entered the store clearly very well off and with more swagger than Mic Jagger singing Satisfaction. They bullied their way in front of me and demanded to see a huge Gold Chain in the display case. Even though the likelihood of a sale was high the seller told the men that they could wait patiently for me to finish my viewing or leave the store. They left. "That was a tough decision I said smiling" he looked up with his face crinkled into a big smile and said "it's about people - not money ".  I wonder if he regrets not selling the chain ??

Veranti can be found at Vestinostraat - 65 2018 Antwerp. Tel: 03/289.88.66

He then took a couple of my choices into the lab in the back and we inspected a few stones under a high powered microscope talking about the stones and their various qualities. He was just terrific as he explained the character of the stones we looked at.

At one point I admitted that the price was a little more than I wanted to spend - and asked if there were some lesser quality stones that i might consider. "Ahhhh no sir" he said a little tightly, "we only sell flawless diamonds here". Ha!!! Damn!! Love it.

After the very satisfying purchase of investment grade stones came some philosophical musing as I continued to wander. My thoughts wandered like my path on that day. Finding those diamonds among so many, avoiding the conn men and the hustlers, and finally having the conviction to make a decision. Finally finding the purchase that felt just right.

Having just come from visiting my folks place in Canada, it reminded me of my mother and father and how they came to find one another. The two are peas in a pod loving each other deeply and unconditionally. I'm glad they found one another and wish them well - maybe when you find a good one,  diamonds truly are forever.

What a massive Fuck-up in South Sudan!!!!!

In an absolutely unforgivable and unimaginable display of incompetence and neglect, 15 children lost their lives this week during a government vaccination program that went horribly wrong. During the campaign, workers re- used the same needle again and again. What the fuck? In addition, they used vaccines that had not been maintained in traceable cold chain. That means that there was not proper temperature control storage practices of the drugs as they traveled from source to end user.  I can think of few less objectionable and depressing practices than asking mothers to put their children forward with a promise to protect them only to kill them through incompetency and neglect. Once again - shame on South Sudan. Utterly unacceptable!!!

Thank for reading....Layno !!!!

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