Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ox Balls? I'll have 2 with everything


Now that's a Bar - B - Que!!!!! Could I get the meat coated meat with meat filling please.
At the age of 52 one thing that should be known at this point in life is that any decision made after 3 beers is suspect and should be considered very carefully. Such was the decision to try Ox Balls at Carnivore Restaurant. "Will give you strength and you will become more brave" I was assured. Huh! - well what man doesn't need a bit more of that! Bring it on!!!
Since 1972, Carnivore restaurant in both Johannesburg and Nairobi have been challenging meat eaters to a showdown of epic proportion. Vegetarians need not apply.
The flag stood for over 2 hours! The veggies were mostly ignored..
 As long as the flag is up the servers continue to come by your table with spits of roasted meat! Only when you tip the flag and surrender do they stop the parade of mostly delicious meaty treats. Ahhh -  pork, pork ribs, Turkey, beef, rabbit, lamb, gizzards, livers, the list goes on and on. While it used to serve Zebra Ostrich and others exotic wild meats, these bush meats are no longer available although there is still crocodile (chewy like snake and the same chicken-like taste) and of course my favorite Ox balls.

Bob - you're  looking absolutely delicious tonight....
The restaurant has a surprising number of cats chillin' and watching the "Beast of a Feast" as it is aptly named. This was surprising to me not due to potential Ministry of health code violations arising from their proximity to food but rather because an all meat restaurant hardly seems the best place for an animal that's relatively easy to catch, trusting, and right beside the bar-b-que. Good thing I stopped at 3 beers....
Pictured here is my fellow Carnivore and colleague Maina . In additon to an amazing appetite, he is a long-term committed and professional MSF Manager who excels at his work and is as pleasant and thoughful a person as you'll ever meat.... meet I mean. Many thanks to him for arranging "the Beast of a Feast"
My advice: Pass on the ox balls.....

 I also visited the Karen Blixen Museum this week - who you may remember as the author of the novel later made into the famous movie Out of Africa.  It starring Robert Redford and Maryl Streep. Noteworthy in my view is the beauty and serenity of the Ngong Hills surrounding the estate. Karen's quote below beautifully captures the sentiment.

 To be lonely is a state of mind, something completely other than physical solitude; when modern authors rant about the soul's intolerable loneliness, it is only proof of their own intolerable emptiness. – Out of Africa, 1937
2013 Stats for MSF operations at Dadaab
With each passing week I learn a bit more about the plight of the African people in the region. And while I've always known how challenging life is here (and other nearby regions facing insecurity, lack of access to medical care, and hunger) - there's a new awareness that goes well beyond just reading the words on the page or watching images flash by on a screen.
This week I'm painfully aware of the refugees in Daddab in North Eastern Kenya. 300,000+ mostly Somalian refuges are in the camp doing nearly nothing day after day after day. My good friend Paul once said of me - "if something interesting doesn't come across your desk every 10 minutes, you go mad"- so I have no idea how these people get through each day - month - year. The circumstances are dysfunctional and horrific from so many perspectives.
This week MSF undertook the difficult decision of withdrawing 40 staff from the camp due to increasing insecurity. It must be brutal for the well meaning National and Expat MSF staff  but worse is that the victims continue to be re-victimized. I don't know what the solution is but not talking about it isn't it.
I bought a guitar this week - after searching for weeks I finally ended up buying something used from a guy in a coffee shop. A bit shady but good musical instruments seem to be hard to find though I suspect if you are in the know it's easier. Anyways this sweet little Yamaha 310 is now all mine.... now just figuring out how to play the damn thing:) I have started first with a very Eric Clapton-like soulful gaze...that's a good start. Look like a musician first - the rest comes easy....Thanks very much for reading!! Asante sana!!!

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