Ahhhh - the beach .....
As Max keeps a watchful eye out for Somalian pirates or a ghost crabs foolish enough to pass within stomping range, I concentrated on relaxing. After nearly 30 days of being house-bound with Covid19, I was at last free to gulp great lungs full of sweet air and enjoy Mother Natures' daily spectacles. The Indian ocean on the south coast of Kenya is without a doubt a special place.
As my good friend Fergus said recently, "they had me at Soul Breeze", the name of the hotel that beckoned as I combed through booking.com looking for that perfect relaxing get away. It was a great time visiting with my good friend Chris ( thanks for the wee dram) and his family and also catching up on a few books. It was a week in paradise particularly succulent after suffering and then "besting" this terrible disease. It'll soon be in our rear view mirror I'm sure of that.
Max and I spend a great deal of time (in fact as recently as yesterday) hiking biking and running the 2500 acre Karura forest. A place that simply wouldn't exist if not for this woman's courage, conviction and strength. A woman who according to the media of the day and others "refused to behave as an African woman should". Well behaved woman rarely make history as they say 😉
Jake goes back for a second semester
This week also marks the return to school for young Jake and the kids at the Malezi school in the Majengo slum. These are the two projects this blog supports through my "side -hustle" Just Food Africa. I paid Jake's school fees and transport for this semester which amounts to about $250 USD.
Also I have ordered and will deliver food into the slum next Saturday. That food (Rice -Beans -green grams - corn floor and cooking oil) will cost about the same ($300) and last us for about the next 6 weeks for the 200 children at the school.
Jake pictured along side on his first day back is VERY excited to be back in school following a good first semester. I did have a tutor help him at home during the Covid19 break and pass along some study habits to his Mom as he was a little behind due to the late start last semester. He is now however, doing very well now -- he's a mart boy. 😀
As always, if you would like to make a contribution to both or either please do at;
E-interact - laynemahon@live.com or Paypal - laynegmahon@gmail.com
Thanks for reading...... Layno squinting at the beach!!!