Sunday, July 12, 2020

And Lollipops!!

A thunderous round of applause please ...

A big thank you to all the people who contributed in helping out the Majengo community. As a team - we were able to contribute almost $3700 in direct food aid the the community. An additional thanks to Peter, our supplier who added a couple bags of lollipops out of his own pocket for the kids. I suspect there will be a pile of smiles from that special treat. He also sent in 10 cases of noodle soup that will be a nice change from the daily rice & beans. While beans & rice are healthy and fill the tummy, I doubt even Gordon Ramsey could make this any more palatable.

The Malezi Technical Education program will continue in January now as schools are closed until then. At that time -- we have negotiated space with the technical college (Strathmore University) to bring the kids there for advanced Computer/ programing lessons. Many thanks to Rose and the rest of the M-TEP volunteers for their work on this.

What now? Well we were able to help the community while they were locked down in Eastleigh and unable to join the informal sector to earn some cash. That situation has improved as the community members have mobility -- though in truth there is less work out there these days. Covid19 is now spreading quickly - and the economy continues to contract.

So if you know someone who has a " ton o' dough" and would like to help out with an annual campaign -- of say $1000 per month - I would be happy to manage that project as a volunteer and ensure all funds are food and delivered directly to the people. At this point - I can't ask friends and family to make any more contributions. You have exceeded my wildest expectations and we should be proud of what we accomplished together. A humble thank you with a Nameste thrown in for good measure. For my part - I'll start searching for a major donor to support.

Who wore it better?

The dude??

Or the Dudette??

As many of you know, I'm a keen (read obsessed) motorcycle dude and very excited to be able to do a bit of exploring on Yellow Thunder pictured above. Many thanks To Michel, my Belgian friend who so generously parted with the machine and did so in such a gentlemanly fashion. You are a class act sir! Esther has tentatively agreed to join in the fun... 😊

Thank for reading.....Layno!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Just Fantastic!!

So many to thank!

Lucy was waiting patiently at the Java near the supplier warehouse as I wheeled the Land Cruiser into the parking lot. Her big beautiful smile and hot cup of coffee greeting me on this beautiful Saturday morning. As has become my favorite habit, I'm here to load up the "goods" purchased from the generous donations sent my way and take then over to Majengo where hungry thankful people are eagerly waiting for us. Another 200 families will get a hamper from the generosity of strangers, Isn't that a nice thing?

It's just fantastic that 7 more generous folks sent along over $700 so that I can bring in loads this week  and next.  A big thank you to the inimitable Kimmie Wenner, Ms. Shanen Gerigs, the amazing and amusing Val Sharp, Land Cruiser guy Rob Schultz, Buddy Barry, my lifelong mentor Pat Johnson, and "the warden" Denise Brennan. 

And a particularly special thanks to Peter who spoke with his suppliers to get some free goods and chipped in some of his own funds to help out. "I believe in what you're doing" he said to me ... A very generous and thoughtful man is he! Next weekend we may be able to add in a bit of bread 😊😋

Also a thank you again to Lucy, a long time friend and ally without whom I'm sure I would completely lose my way in this part of the world. She is my Kenyan compass and translator keeping me moving in what I think is the right direction. It was with absolute pleasure that I had the opportunity to meet Lucy's Mom at their home in Kikuyu just outside of Nairobi.

Lucy is a young super savvy professional journalist committed to poking a hole in the social fabric of this country. In doing so, she shines a light guiding youth to find opportunity and purpose in what is a very challenging place. For many, the view of those who have "made it" through misdeeds and thoughtlessness must be very attractive as they cruise by in their fancy Mercedes; Rolex watches casually dangling from their fat overfed wrists. Make no mistake - it's people like Lucy who will make the difference as the culture shifts and those fat fucks look enviously on the industrious youth changing the Kenyan landscape for the better. Too harsh? 😎

Chillin' with Lucy and her Mom  - Kikuyu style.....

Lastly, a comment or two on the organization I work for. This blog is about my own side-hustle Just Food Africa  and other life adventures that I share with a few readers (mostly my Mom 😆 ) and on occasion, I have crossed over to comments about my previous work with Medecins sans Frontieres (Emergency Medical NGO)  and now WE Charity (Development NGO).

And on the subject of my work -- I believe I have a pretty good sense of the world and "read" on people, nevertheless, I am shocked and stupefied by the comments people are making about our organization. Serious allegations of shady dealings populate social media like free chocolates too delicious to pass by without a taste and exclamation of ahhhhh - " I told you it is tasty"!!

WE Charity is an organization that has spent overv25 years improving the lives of people who need a helping hand. In my time with the organization, and within our operations in Kenya, always - yes always our team chooses the path of integrity. From my perspective, It's a well-worn path despite those who would say otherwise. I have no reservations about the organization and stand proudly to continue the good work we are doing.

Thank for reading ....Layno!!!