For as little as $125 a month we can feed a school with 250 kids!
And therein lies the problem. Brokers and unsavory middlemen find ways to get betwixt the willing seller and willing buyer and inflate the price to the highest level possible. Ok - it's not that I blame them really. Everyone is trying to make a living. But even as I made my way to the store to negotiate with the owners of Betta Grains, the cab driver was trying to get in the middle of the deal. Aye yay yay.... it takes a bit of patience to be sure.
So as previously mentioned - I'm going to attempt to keep this school (Malezi) in food for as long as I am able ...obviously with the help of a few selfless souls. My thought is to try and link with a Canadian school to share money, friendship and learning. Can you think of a willing elementary school that may want to get involved. If so ... please let me know. Donations welcome.
The charity is called Just Food, a play on words noting three dimensions:
- The idea that the food is bought at a fair (or just) price free from corruption and other forms of illicit misrepresentation
- That is all the charity will do - Food
- The notion that if we can do just this little bit - we can really make a positive contribution.
And now a Jake update!!!!!

Hey dude!!!! Those are $200 Ray Bans you're chewing on there ..... a little civility if you please!!!
If you've looked at some previous blogs you'll recall the story of Jake and him Mom - close friends of mine and the beneficiaries of some money sent by readers of this blog. They are very grateful for our help. I was lucky enough to be chosen as the lunch date on a wonderful Sunday afternoon where we languished over a delicious lunch punctuated by squeals of delight from little Jake.I'm sure they would not be opposed to a bit more help if anyone has a few extra scheckels. At present Momma is only eating a single meal a day and sleeping down. That means she doesn't have a bed. If you want to give a little. Just e-interact to I'll make sure they get it.
Speaking of Jake (s), my son turned 20 over the last days!!!!! Prouder than a penfull of peacocks I wish a hearty Happy Birthday to a fine independent surprisingly well-adjusted (I was the father remember) young man. Super proud of you son!!!! Also a shout out to my daughter Stevie who has taken the basic rudimentary skills around cake making that I shared - and clearly taken to an entirely new level. Nice job kiddo!!
Another shout out to my good friend Kim. I am forever in your debt appreciating you for taking a Saturday off to help me with some moving. I really can't thank you enough Kim. I'm lucky to be able to count you among my friends. I still can after that day can't I????? 😉

Thanks for reading ....Layno!!!
May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live.
Robert A. Heinlein